«I know of no other way of being a photographer than that of the self-taught. The beauty of the mistake, the surprise of the goal, the frustration of not having seen well, the continuous discovery. All these are unmissable moments of research, professional growth but above all human. For me, photography is an experience, where the result is important but it is not everything, there is above all the path ».
He loves the image that captures the real, the almost instinctive shot, the focus on everyday moments, Nazareno Migliaccio Spina. And it rejects any filter or artifice that can take it away from this way of understanding photography. «The thing that terrifies me most is attending masters and workshops and immediately after having an idea of photography identical to what I am proposed, an idea of approved, anonymous photography - says the young artist from Locri -. I much prefer being a mediocre self-taught photographer ».
A way of interpreting art, and above all life, whereby everything that is "invisible" becomes a subject. «I photograph what is there for all to see, but which we usually do not look carefully at; everyday life that often goes unnoticed, because we are now accustomed to its presence. I'm interested in making objects or people become protagonists who, in the distraction, could be trivial, obvious »he says.
At least one photo a day, from unusual views. One click, no retouching, no sophistication. Real and emotional snapshots.
But he continues to watch Locri and all the places he travels through his i-phone. «It gives me a sense of greater freedom, immediacy, the cell phone. It means not chasing the moment but being found by it - underlines Nazareno -. Years ago my father gave me a Canon A1 from 1970. His Canon. From him to me. Taking photos is this, a bond. A feeling that I can also find through a simple object such as a mobile phone ».
The creativity that rejects dogmas and cages, which is made of mind and soul, in contact with the depths of feeling. «Today photography too often becomes competition, making pleasure lose sight of. I want me to continue to be above all pleasure. The photographer must not be a slave to the fashions of the moment. That's another thing, much closer to business than to photography - he concludes -. There is a need for introspection and dignity, I think. What interests me most now is not so much to become a good photographer but a good person ».
(article by Maria Teresa D'Agostino)
Studio Migliaccio Spina, Locri, Reggio Calabria - Via S.Furfaro, snc - Tel:+39 349 0606014
Copyright © Nazareno Migliaccio Spina 2012-2020 - All rights reserved - P.I. 02768690808